It's ironic that a debtor today would have a better shot getting better terms on his loan with a private Wall Street bank than the federal government, but this is the case for many borrowers. 具有讽刺意味的是,今天的债务人可以从华尔街的私人银行获得比联邦政府更优惠的条件,但现实是,许多借款人不得不面对政府的苛刻条件。
The funda-mental approach to remould the mechanism of money supply is to deepen reform, overhaul the debtor and creditor relationship between central bank and public finance, specialized banks and enterprises. 再造货币供给机制,根本在于深化改革,理顺中央银行同财政、专业银行和企业之间的债权债务关系。
An authorization to a debtor, such as a bank or nation, permitting temporary suspension of payments. 延缓偿付对于借款人,例如一个银行或国家,允许暂时延缓偿还借款的授权。
In other words, if the debtor fails to settle a debt, the bank will cover it. 换句话说,如果债务人最终不能结清债务,银行将代其履行债务责任。
6The debtor's bank reserved the right to reject the payment exceeding the maximum limit specified the debtor's bank unless prior arrangements have been made. 6若非事先安排,借方银行保留对超过借方银行指定上限款项支付之权利。
As has become fashionable to note, events have instead obliged Barack Obama to play the role of washed-up debtor visiting his stern bank manager for yet another loan. 按照现在流行的说法,形势已逼得巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)被迫扮演一贫如洗的债务人角色他正拜访苛刻的银行经理,要求再贷一笔款子。
Debtor Reporting System [ World Bank] 债务人报告制度[世界银行]